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Tavern Diary Volume 18

2.5.’06. 4:57am.

Ulitma Ⅶ: The Black Gate

Fellowship Bombing

— So the game is over, huh?

It's nine thirty in the evening. Half of the citizens in Britain gather at the Fellowship National Branch as usual, concentrating to the speech of their mentor, the great Batlin. Knowing nothing to the danger hidden beneath the peace…

  1. "Worthiness precedes reward!"

    Worthiness precedes reward!

  2. "I'm worthy!" "Boom!"

    I'm worthy! Boom!

  3. (Thy reward?)

    (Thy reward?)

The National Branch of the Fellowship, is gone. Dismissed. Although Batlin is still alive (why?), it cannot continue, for all the foolish followers, but Nanna, that are in Britain, are die. Poor Nanna. Thou wert such a nice old lady. Thy sacrifice saved the whole Britannia. May thou rest in peace.

1.30.’06. 1:25am.


  1. 第一天(除夕):下午去百貨公司美食街吃了一份韓國烤肉,添了兩碗飯。順便逛街。好久沒逛街了,刷了一件還不錯看的外套,兩千六百四。半夜玩遊戲玩到一半餓了,出去 7-11 買了一堆零食:我最愛吃的蜜汁腰果、不知道什麼的鱈魚片(後來才知道是炸鱈魚片,不好吃)、花生糖、仙楂餅、溫泉蛋、每日 C 果汁。抱著沒有預算,想買什麼就買什麼的心情亂買亂吃。
  2. 第二天(初一):一整個下午都不餓,所以沒吃。半夜又出去亂買零食,計有:魷魚絲、軟鐵蛋、烤布丁、每日 C 果汁、紅茶、梅酒。繼續過著亂買亂吃,沒有目標的糜爛日子。
  3. 第三天(初二):待續…。

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